Kindrick Field
Helena, MT
Review by Mike
As Maxwell Smart would say, "Missed it by THAT much." After a failed attempt in 2018, I finally got to Montana in 2019, but that was one year too late to see professional baseball at Kindrick Field, former home of the Helena Brewers of the Pioneer League. The Brewers may have decamped to Colorado Springs to become the Rocky Mountain Vibes, but Kindrick is still there hosting American Legion baseball.

Kindrick Field is that rarest of things, a true wooden ballpark. I've heard other parks referred to as such, but upon arrival found them to have a concrete and steel structure supporting a wooden roof and bleachers. At Kindrick, it's all wood. The roof supports, the structure under the stands, everything.

Built in 1932, this classic ballpark is a real beauty, although it could use some paint and, perhaps, some new seats. I don't know whether the state of the grandstand is a result of the Brewers leaving or the reason for them leaving, but either way, the structure appears to be solid and ready for many more years of action. It just needs a little work.

The field was immaculate and I am grateful to the groundskeeper who kept it that way for allowing me to explore at will, even walking out onto the playing field and into the dugout. The view from the seats is very agreeable, with the hills visible beyond the outfield fence.

There is a small grandstand on the first base side and a less permanent-looking seating structure by 3rd base. There did not seem to be much in the way of concessions, but perhaps these are/were supplied by food trucks or other portable dining venues.

It seems a shame that a state capital with an old, historic ballpark should allow that ballpark to be kept in anything but pristine condition and also a shame that such a nice city should not have a professional baseball team, but at least the park is still in use, with an important role to play in the community.
