Olympic Stadium
Montreal, QC
Review by Mike
Olympic Stadium was the home of the Montreal Expos of the National League. I visited The Big "O" in September, 1989 and apparently took photos using a shoebox with a small hole in one side. My notes from the time were not flattering.

The seats start out far from the field and go back, back, back without too much up, up, up. And when the lower deck reaches about row 60, the upper deck starts and that is even farther from the field. The action seemed to be waaaay over there.

It does look cool from the outside, rather like a spacecraft about to lift off and the Metro runs right to the ballpark. Inside, the roof is a strange and otherworldly sight, the retractable roof that never retracted.
I will give it points for being in Montreal, a great city, and having all of the PA announcements in French, but the artificial turf and bad sight lines are my lasting memory, plus the Mets losing 1-0 on a Mark Langston 3-hitter. Montreal deserves to have a baseball team and a nicer stadium.
