Perdue Stadium
Salisbury, MD

Review by Gary & Mike
Perdue Stadium, named after the son of chicken mogul Frank Perdue, is the home of the Delmarva Shorebirds of the Carolina League. This ballpark is located in Salisbury, Maryland, but serves the entire Delmarva Peninsula and is located close to the resort town of Ocean City, Maryland. This is a nice, standard, class A ballpark with easy access from the main road to Ocean City, but it does feel a little bit away from everything. There is no neighborhood and it isn’t quite close enough to Ocean City to feel like it’s part of that community. It’s basically surrounded by parking lots and trees.

The stadium is built on the now-classic 20th century model for the low minor leagues; a split seating bowl, with a walkway halfway down, that ends short of the foul poles with a luxury suite structure above the concourse. You can watch the game from any of the concession stands and it is compact and intimate.

One nice feature that is not usually seen in parks of this style is upper deck seating. Normally, the entire overhanging structure is for private boxes and the press box, but the 3rd base side features several rows of open, upper level seating. We found these to be the best seats in the house; still close to the action, but elevated to give a nice overall view of the field.

Another unique feature was a concession stand right behind home plate that is cut into the upper portion of the seating bowl. Here one could get pizza or ice cream without walking up and into the shadows of the main concourse. It’s a nice little ballpark, comfortable and friendly and that, along with free parking, a cool logo and being just 30 minutes from the beach, combine to lift Perdue Stadium a few feathers above the crowd of class A and independent ballparks that look almost exactly the same. Fly, Shorebirds, fly…