Thomas More Stadium
Florence, KY
Review by Mike

Is it a carnival? Is it a baseball stadium? It looks like it just might be both! Thomas More Stadium in Florence, Kentucky is the home of the Florence Y’alls of the independent Frontier League and it is decidedly not your average minor league ballpark. For starters, the team is named after a water tower (see background photo). Next, in selecting the color palette for the interior, the designers appear to have challenged themselves to use every crayon in the big box of Crayolas.
The press box is designed like a movie popcorn box and has “Press Bucket” emblazoned across the front of it. The mascot is a scary looking dude with a big blocky head that I eventually realized was a replica of the aforementioned water tower. With coal black eyes and a menacing black mouth, it sent me running in the other direction, but the kids seemed to like it! The distance marker on the centerfield fence says 4740” rather than 395’.

There isn’t so much a suite level as a party deck that rises above the main concourse. This area features a couple of covered entertainment areas as well as some open decks down either foul line. This isn’t a restricted area and is available for everyone to wander up and down at will. There are exactly four “luxury” boxes on the 3rd base side that interrupt the public spaces on this level.

Down the right field line is a covered “box seat” area with benches and tables and sparkly party lights and a grass berm that runs to the foul pole. Here you can find a large inflatable slide that looks like… that water tower! Behind home plate they’ve put up a large black awning to protect the concessions, and fans, from weather and sun. The field is all turf, including the dirt, but I no longer hold that against a ballpark. I understand the economics of it.
Basically, Thomas More Stadium looks like someone shook up a box of Legos and poured it onto a field and it fell into the shape of a baseball stadium. Here’s the thing, though… it all works! The colors are mad, the bits and pieces seem randomly assembled, but it’s wonderful. The PA announcer is entertaining without being obnoxious. The between inning games are fun, but not over-the-top. The scoreboard is really nice, especially for independent ball. The convenient tables and chairs along concourse were custom made and stylish with the Y’alls logo.

Even with a packed Great American Ballpark just 14 miles away, the Y’alls drew a big Saturday night crowd that was lively and into the game. It really felt like being at a carnival where a baseball game was the featured attraction. It’s a delicate balance to keep it all from being too much, but on this night, the Y’alls were pitch perfect.