Clover Stadium
Pomona, NY
Review by Mike

Clover Stadium is the home of the New York Boulders of the independent Frontier League. Located about 40 miles north of New York City, this very cool looking stadium seems more suited to a High A or even a AA franchise rather than the Frontier league, which is a good indy league, but a little farther down on the food chain.
Eschewing the classic red brick look we see so often, there is actually stonework here, a very cool high-roofed entryway, clean lines and flat rooves. Imagine if Frank Lloyd Wright had designed a baseball stadium. Inside, the stadium is open and bright. The field is below street level and the walkway that circles the stadium gives the unusual impression that the field is "down there". I'm not explaining it right, but it feels different.

The boulder theme appears throughout. There is a cool stone bridge in left field, under which is the Bridge Bar. There are bleachers in left field and in right is a nice section of seating with high stools and counters for each row. This is the place to go to eat your food in a civilized manner, without trying to balance everything in your lap.

This is a really nice facility with a bit of a different feel to it. Six years in, it looks like the gamble of building a ballpark in the northern suburbs of NYC has paid off. Oh, but if you expect a big crowd, get there early. There is just the one lane road for access and the traffic backs up quite a bit.


The food was really good. I don't remember what I got, but I know I liked it. The stadium had recently opened when I visited and I don't think it was completely finished. There is a building out in centerfield that was empty and retail space down the right field line that was unfilled. Gary and I stopped by for a non-game visit in 2016 and found the place all finished and looking great.

Gary says...
"I really liked this park also. I appreciated the variety of seating and eating areas and was particularly impressed with the batter's eye in center field doubling as the home run fence, set back beyond the bleachers to the left and right of it. This ballpark easily matches up with many stadiums of similar age that are home to MLB-affiliates.”